
N-SEQ.live M4L sequencer

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N-SEQ.live M4L sequencer

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N-SEQ.live is a sequencer Max 4 Live MIDI effect with a UI design that encourages the user to map a MIDI controller or another modulation source and use the sequencer live.
Alternatively one can map M4L LFOs and other modulation sources to any UI element for randomised patterns.
Try mixing the two techniques at once for new and unexpected results!

Main features:

  • Variable sequence length (1-16 steps)
  • Variable sequence division (1/16, 1/8, 1/4)
  • Variable sequence direction (Up, Down, Cycle,Random)
  • Step Length (Whole note to 1/128th note)
  • Step Octave Range (-2 Oct to +2 Oct)
  • Step Relative Pitch (R 2 3 4.. to 11 Scale degrees starting with Root)
  • Step Velocity (0-127)
  • Global parameters to control all steps’ parameters at once
  • Built-in Scales (30+ scales)
  • Define your own scale
  • Presets (Save/Load external, Store and Name internal)

Tempo (BPM) and Playback are linked to the current Live Project without a UI element.
Playback and Tempo changes are automatic.
Sequencer Division and its selector are linked to the denominator of the current Time Signature.

Relative Pitch dials

Every step Pitch dial is relative to the Root note and the Scale applied. Below you can read an explanation of how the Relative Pitch dials work.

N-SEQ live loads the Root note C with the Chromatic Scale applied, therefore the Pitch dial range is R 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, meaning Root, 2nd degree, 3rd degree … 11th degree of the scale.
If we set a Scale that has fewer degrees, i.e. Major scale, we’ll have R 2 3 4 5 6 7 only.
The same applies for Pentatonic scales, there the Pitch dial range is R 2 3 4 5 only.

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A Max4Live sequencer device

Sequence length
Pitch dials
Relative to Root and Scale selected
30+ built-in
Velocity, Length, Octave range
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